
Trial subscription

30-day free trial

Don’t take our word for it

Discover the possibilities for yourself with a no-obligation trial subscription! You can try out the entire system for 30 days and create a backup of up to 20GB. No fees, no obligation. Not convinced? Then the trial subscription will expire automatically. Like what you see? Then simply turn your trial subscription into a fully registered version. Your settings and data will be saved, so there’s no need to start again from square one.

Trial subscription

Server backup 20GB/ PC backup 10GB trial subscription: free

Trial period: 30 days

 Server backup  PC backup


Name of Company:*


* obligatory fields


Gender: MrMs*
Initials / surname:*

Telephone number:*

E-mail address (the login data and backup reports will be sent to this address):*

* obligatory fields

General Terms and Conditions

I agree to the General Terms and Conditions of Delivery.